In this post i will be focusing on Dong Quai, This herb is gaining popularity in the trying to conceive ttc world and is very good for those with pcos who are trying to conceive as well. I am currently taking Dong Quai and i also have pcos and is trying to conceive. Before you run off to purchase Dong Quai I suggest you read this article first.
Dong quai, also known as Angelica is a herb native to China, which is used as a medicine for thousands of years. It is a tonic herb and is also aromatic, with greenish-white flowers that grow well in wet areas such as alpine ravines, along river beds, or near the coast. Dong quai has a mild anise flavor and is recommended for women all over the world. The plant is commonly used to treat certain female dysfunctions and pains like menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome and also helps in improving your overall health during and even after menopause. Dong quai has also been known to treat other health issues such as infertility, arthritis, high blood pressure, and much more. Because of its enormous benefits for both men and women, dong quai is gaining popularity worldwide today.
What are the benefits of Dong Quai?
Dong quai fights PMS: The term dong quai basically means "correct order", so it works effectively in restoring hormonal balance in women. Dong quai contains a chemical called phytoestrogen, which produce similar effects of the hormone estrogen in your body, by regulating estrogen levels in the body, it treats a large amount of PMS and menopausal symptoms, such as migraine, cramps, mood swings and even hot flashes. Furthermore, it also helps to quicken the recovery of women after childbirth and adverse effects of low energy and chronic fatigue. Dong quai can be used to treat many gynecological problems, this is why it is also called as "the female ginseng", "female herb" or "queen of Chinese herbs, according to the medical literature.
It is also a excellent Blood Toner: Among other benefits such as reducing blood pressure and decreasing fatigue, dong quai helps stimulate the production of red blood cells in the body which makes it easier to fight off infections. It is composed of components such as vitamin B12, folic acid, nicotinic acid, folinic acid and biotin helping to maximize the number of red blood cells transported through the body. Therefore, due to their ability to replenish and nourish the blood that acts as an excellent blood toner.
Curing Infertility: dong quai contains an antioxidant called ferulic acid, which is known to improve sperm quality, this herb also helps to cure infertility in women which makes it painless and and very cost effective to use.
It prevents allergies: Research has shown that dong quai is also effective in treating many different allergies and respiratory problems. Our blood cells release substances such as histamine and serotonin response to anything that irritates the body and causes allergies to allergens like pollen, dust, hair and so on. Therefore, dong quai antihistamine and antiserotonin properties help prevent these allergic reactions.
Great for your Skin: As dong quai is known to improve blood circulation in the body, it also improves the complexion, slows the aging process and helps in detoxification of light spots and marks. It also acts as a healing agent for the skin common disorders including eczema and rosacea, neurodermatitis, pruritus, urticaria and vitiligo. The great thing is this is all natural so you have nothing to lose but blemishes.
Dong Quai Side Effects
If you have digestive problems such as chronic diarrhea or bloating, speak to you doctor before taking Dong quai. People with sensitive skin should not take high doses of dong quai, because it can cause skin inflammation and rashes if exposed to the sun.
Dong quai should not be taken by pregnant women because it can affect the muscular functioning of the uterus,which may lead to miscarriage. It is wise to chart (taking your body temperature each morning) or use opks(ovulation prediction test kits) to know when you have ovulated or is about to ovulate,the opk will let you know you are about to, and the bbt charting will let you know you did ovulate by giving you a thermal shift in your temps. Stop taking Dong quai after you ovulate to make sure if you conceive you do not miscarry.
If you are concerned about taking Dong quai then speak to a health provider. I have not had any side effects from taking it so far but everyone is different, the recommended dose is 1 capsule 2 to 4 times daily,i take it 3 times daily.
I hope this helped and if you have any question feel free to ask, you can purchase your Dong quai from the link below this is the best brand i know and is cheaper.
Nature's Way - Dong Quai Root, 565 mg, 100 capsules